

essays, opinion & reviews

The Class Signifiers of Quiet Luxury / Art Review

A Postcard From Vesuvius / The Fence

Do We Still Need Designer Fantasies? / ArtReview

The Return of Rococo in Contemporary Culture / ArtReview

Burning Up In Orbit: 2000 Years of Saucy Candles / The Fence

Intersectional Feminism and Interchangeable Heads / in Claire Partington: Historical Fiction

Why the Crisis Tearing Through Our Museums Affects Everyone / Elephant

A Brief History of London in Riots / Londonist

A Night Out in 18th Century London / Londonist

The Melancholy Grandeur of a 3D Printed Mountain / Apollo Magazine

Museums in a Post-Taste World / Apollo Magazine

Curator Chic / Apollo Magazine

Museums Wake Up to the Potential of 3D Printing / Apollo Magazine

Curators, Connoisseurship and the Art of Looking / Apollo Magazine

academic publications

’The Surrounding Great Work’: colonialism, erasure and the built environment of the West India Docks, 1802-present / British Art Studies (April 2022)

In progress (eventually): Joseph Nollekens and the female portrait bust

A World of Fragile Parts / essay and exhibition catalogue (ed. with Brendan Cormier)

Amorous Antiquaries: Sculpture and Seduction in Rowlandson’s Erotica / Burning Bright: Essays in Honour of David Bindman

William, the Princely Youth / Visual Culture in Britain

Anti-Catholicism, Consumption and Performance in 18th Century Britain / V&A Journal

Flesh and Marble: Materialising the Body in 18th Century Satirical Prints / Un-Making Things

Impolite Interventions / European Comic Art